I hope everyone enjoyed the warm weekend this weather. It's hard to believe that we are in the middle of winter! As we start the week please remember that we have an Early Release/ Hat Day this Thursday and the Book Fair going on all week.....we also have a family book fair on Thursday from 4-7!
Animal Adaptations
Our grade 4 students were treated this week to a visit from the Museum of Scoence and they learnd all about Animla Adaptations. Thank you to the PTA and to all the parents who support the PTA for providing excellent enrich,ent opportunities such as this!
Pickup for anyone who ordered Little Caesars Pizza will be this Thursday from 4-7 just in time for the Super Bowl!
Book Fair
Please remember that we will have the Scholastic Book Fair going on all week. Please see our calendar for a schedule of class visits. We will also have a family night on Thursday from 4-7! Please click here to see our calendar and schedule of classroom visits! http://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/Page/14
Grade 5 Awards
Congrats to all our 5th grade Character Award Winners!
Grade 3 and 4 Character Award Winners
Congratulations to our 3rd and 4th grade Character Award Winners!
We are very proud to have so many kids earning the writing challenge from grades 3-5....keep up the hard work!
Grade 3 and 4 BOXTOPS Winners
Congratulations to Mrs. Hickie's and Mrs. McPherson's classes for collecting the most BOXTOPS at their grade!!