HBB Staff 2017

Friday, October 9, 2015

Odds and Ends

After School Clubs
We still have a few spots available in a few of our after school clubs!!  We will be sending home confirmation forms on Tuesday to let everyone know about their clubs.  There are a few clubs that may not run due to low numbers.  If you are interested in signing your child up for one of the clubs listed below Tuesday will be the last day we accept sign ups.  Please click on the right hand side of the blog for the after school sign up sheet.

Social Movie Time - 12 spots left
Cursive Writing - 9 spots left
Photography - 3 spots left
Mathketball - 21 spots left
Legos - 7 spots left
Improving Handwriting (lower grades) - 6 spots left
Improving Handwriting (upper grades) - 6 spots left
Chess Club - 10 spots left
Booksmart - 4 spots left
Book Club - 3 spots left
Computers - 10 spots left
Team Sports - 10 spots left

Big Blast
Please plan on joining us on Friday October 23rd for the annual HBB Harvest Big Blast. For those new to HBB, the Big Blast is a fun event for the whole family. There will games, prizes, a web crawl, a pumpkin carving contest and many other fun things for the whole family.

You can save money by purchasing tickets in advance or buy your tickets at the door.

Doors Open at 6 pm……we hope to see you all there!

Please be on the lookout for your child's MCAS results.  All results were mailed home today and should arrive within the next few days.  Please call us should you have any questions regarding the report.

Reading Challenge

PJ Day
Character Word of the Week Winners for Grades 1 and 2
Congratulations!  Great Job! 

Unity Day 

Just a reminder......if you have been collecting BOXTOPS the deadline for submission is October 23rd.   

Support Learning at Home
This year we are really hoping to push and encourage you to support learning at home. There are many things you can do as a parent that may not seem like a big deal, but you can actually have a huge impact on your child’s performance in school. Here are just a few things you can do to support learning at home.

Establish a Daily Family Routine

- Provide a quiet space, time, and materials for studying and reading.
- Assign chores and regular household tasks.
- Support good health habits: regular exercise, proper amount of rest, nutritious meals and snacks.

Encourage High but Realistic Expectations for Achievement

- Encourage your Child to work hard in school
- Regularly discuss education, life skills, careers and interests
- Regularly affirm your child’s self worth through positive messages.

Read, Write and Discuss

- Read to your child and listen to your child read
- Provide opportunities for writing (grocery lists, letters, stories to share with the family)
- Discuss with your child his or her school day, your day or current events.

Model the value of learning
- Set an example by reading at home and engaging in other learning activities.
- Play games together that require planning ahead and problem solving rather than pure luck
- Communicate openly

All of these ideas and more came from the following site.

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