We are very excited about two upcoming events and would like you to save the date and plan on attending. The first will be Friday March 14th as we have our 2nd annual Staff Basketball Game. This year we have Nate Solder from the NE Patriots coming. We also have tons of fun things planned.
The second date is March 21st.......our annual Spaghetti Supper. We have illusionist Matt Roberts coming back this year. The Spaghetti Supper is a great night out and if you would like more information on this fun filled event please click on these two news articles recently written about the Spaghetti Supper.
By now many of you have probably heard about the new state assessment called PARCC. The state of Massachusetts is in the process of piloting this test in schools across the Commonwealth and HBB is one of those schools. Starting in April we will be testing 2 classes in grade 3 and 2 classes in grade 5. We sent notification home to any student being tested in this weeks Tuesday Folder. If you are interested in learning more about PARCC please visit our PARCC Testing section on the website or click here..... http://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/Page/2779
By now many of you have probably heard about the new state assessment called PARCC. The state of Massachusetts is in the process of piloting this test in schools across the Commonwealth and HBB is one of those schools. Starting in April we will be testing 2 classes in grade 3 and 2 classes in grade 5. We sent notification home to any student being tested in this weeks Tuesday Folder. If you are interested in learning more about PARCC please visit our PARCC Testing section on the website or click here..... http://www.middleboro.k12.ma.us/Page/2779
Read Across America
In honor of the great Dr. Seuss next week is Read Across America Week. To celebrate this great event we have a few things planned including a theme for each day. As you know we are always encouraging students to read, read read. Here is a list of what to expect for next week.
Monday - Read Across America Day (Wear red, white and black)
Tuesday - Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday - Wacky Wed. (Wear your mismatched combinations)
Thursday - Lorax Day - (Wear orange and a mustache)
Friday - Burkland's Best Day (everyone wear their B. Best Gear)
Congratulations to the following classes as they have collected the most BOXTOPS at each grade! They will all be treated to a magic show.....the date of which will be announced soon. Great job guys and thank you to all parents for your support!
Grade 1 - Mastropietro
Grade 2 - Schobel
Grade 3 - DeLuca
Grade 4 - Sullivan
Grade 5 - Lazarovich
Congratulations to the following classes as they have collected the most BOXTOPS at each grade! They will all be treated to a magic show.....the date of which will be announced soon. Great job guys and thank you to all parents for your support!
Grade 1 - Mastropietro
Grade 2 - Schobel
Grade 3 - DeLuca
Grade 4 - Sullivan
Grade 5 - Lazarovich
Whole School Rally
As we wrap up the week next week we will be hosting a whole school rally on Friday. We will be doing a lot during this rally. To start, we will be working with students to set goals as part of our Read Across America week. We will be getting pumped up about MCAS, talking about this year's lipdub and checking out the lipdub from last year. Most importantly, we will be unveiling our new Burkland's Best Charms.
The Burkland's Best Charms are another way by which we hope to promote the positive behavioral expectations that we have for our school community. All student will be given a necklace and will be given the chance to earn a variety of charms for demonstrating the Burkland's Best and for meeting a variety of "challenges" we will set forth throughout the year. All students at HBB will be awarded one bead to start. That bead will be a yellow ribbon in honor of Jesse. We are very excited about this event and we are looking forward to getting all the kids together!
That is about it for this week......have a great weekend and stay warm!